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Conference fee

  • Early bird (16 August 2019)
    Local Presenter Rp 600.000
    Overseas Presenter US$ 80
    Local Participant Rp 200.000
    Overseas Participant  US$ 15
    Regular  (31 August 2019)
    Local Presenter Rp 750.000
    Overseas Presenter US$ 100
    Local Participant Rp 300.000
    Overseas Participant  US$ 25

    Publication fee : Rp 1.500.000 (US$ 110)

  • All accepted manuscript will be published in publisher to be indexed by Scopus unless the authors do not send the revised version given by Scopus. 

Submission of Abstract and Full Paper

[IMPORTANT] To submit an abstract, authors must create an account first. Then they can submit their abstracts by logging in to their account. The manuscript (full paper) can be submitted only after authors submit their abstract. The whole submission process is done fully online (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration.
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New Directions of Language & Language Teaching in Facing the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0


1. The contemporary linguistic analysis in facing the industrial revolution era 4.0
2. The contemporary literature analysis in facing the industrial revolution era 4.0
3. Pre-service teachers readiness in facing the industrial revolution era 4.0
4. 21st Century skills and training in language teaching
5. Technology enhanced language learning
6. Mobile assisted language learning
7. Current trends in assessment and evaluation in language teaching
8. New trends in translation
9. Fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in language teaching
10. Online and distance learning
11. Indonesian language for foreigners (BIPA)
12. Best practices of language teaching in school context
13. Teacher profesional development in facing the industrial revolution era 4.0
14. Curriculum development in facing the industrial revolution era 4.0

Conference Committee

If you have queries, please contact the committee of 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LANGUAGE AND LANGUAGE TEACHING (iCLLT)

Universitas Tidar Jl. Kapten Suparman 39 Magelang

Telp: 0293-364113

Unit Penunjang Akademik (UPA) Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 2024 - Universitas Tidar